Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


Daily Inspiration

Personal work, Illustrator & InDesign.

Hearing is not enough, you also need to look at. References can help you see the world in a different perspective. Do not be trapped, be free.

This book contains a collection of resources that I have gathered and quite interesting in my opinion. With 220 pages thick and large 14.8x21 cm, this book contains several references categories that will be easier for me to make a masterpiece.

Playground Indonesia's Company Profile

Playground Indonesia, Corel Draw & Photoshop.

Image is important because when we can’t see what's on the inside, only the surface that can be of value. A company also needs a professional image that can be seen to demonstrate their professionalism and convince clients to put confidence in them.

Playground Indonesia understands the importance of an image that needs to be owned and pack it into a company profile A4 size with a simple style.

Design Style Book

Personal work, Corel Draw.

History is an important part that make up a civilization, a life. Even the art is no exception. By looking at history we see the world. Grabbed hold of the past and the future.

After doing research, I decided to come up with a minimalist style that eventually organized into a 126 pages thick book size 18x23.5 cm.

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