Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Graphic Design

"55 Tahun PT. Semen Gresik Tbk." Print Ad

 Internship work for pitching, Photoshop.

The basic idea of this work using a philosophy paper, in which trust is like a paper, the only time tangled or damaged will not be able to return to normal. Semen Gresik standing starts from the trust given by the people of Indonesia and Semen Gresik continue to maintain that trust up to 55 years and onwards.

"40 Tahun Gunnebo Menjaga Indonesia" with Constructivism Style

Personal work, Photoshop.

Make a poster to commemorate 40 years of keeping Gunnebo Indonesia. Execution is done by illustrating a forest which is shaped like one of Gunnebo products. In the woods, there are some Gunnebo’s products among the trees. The whole design is packaged and delivered in a stylish way with Constructivism sttyle, that has balanced composition, the use of bright colors, the impression of a somewhat vintage, and bold typeface with strong impression geometry.




Infografis Martha Tilaar Group

Personal work, Illustrator & Photoshop.

Knowledge is always worth looking for. And proper as knowledgeable beings we share our knowledge. One way is through an infografis. Infographics Marthaa Tilaar in a coherent story is about the journey Martha Tilaar in building his career to become one of the famous brand.


Surabaya 2112

Personal work, Photoshop.

The inspiration of this work comes from a story in the Bible, where the first man was very proud, and they built a tower called the Tower of Babel. Tower of Babel as proof of their arrogance like a symbol, a very tall tower to reach the sky. Human behavior is the wrath of God, and He destroyed the tower.

The concept of this work is, in the later 2112 people, more details in Surabaya, the farther from God. World increasingly filled with a sense of pride, envy, jealousy, and so on. Moreover, technology and a highly developed knowledge allows people to do almost everything, made ​​them forget themselves, to challenge God. This invite a wrath. Human actions have brought the wrath of God with exceptional sentence.


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